Udaan 12th October 2016: Bhaiya Ji Kidnapped Suraj-Chakor and Vivan-Imli

Udaan 19th October 2016
Udaan 19th October 2016

Udaan 12th October 2016: Chakor collided with him. He asked her why she was so annoyed with some Suraj named person. She said that she had not seen such a weird man like him. He laughed and asked her to watch big boss as a lot of individuals like Suraj came there. (check: Udaan Last Episode.)

He asked her not to worry as such people manage each other by love. He said that Suraj too could be managed by love and left from there. Chakor wanted to find about the Ragini’s contract. Someone called Chakor and asked her to come fat as Imli was wounded. She got shocked. Chakor left.

Udaan 12th October 2016

Suraj came and saw Chakor’s house locked. He too got someone’s call who asked him to come fast as Imli got injured. He too rushed. Vivan was also told the same, and he rushed. Then Imli got a call, and someone told her about Vivan’s accident. She rushed. She told to Ranjana about his accident. Ranjana acted being shocked and worried and asked her to go. She smirked when Imli left.

Chakor and Suraj and Vivan met at the same place and told each other about getting a call telling about Imli’s accident. Imli came there running and were shocked to see her there. Ranjana said to Ragini that it was easy to call all of them at the same place. The goons came to the place where Chakor and everyone was there. Suraj and Vivan fought with them. Goons made all of them faint using the chloroform.

When they gained consciousness, Imli was found on Suraj’s shoulder tied with a rope around her neck. If she or Suraj moved, Imli would get hanged. Same was done with Chakor and Vivan. Imli said that if anyone of them moved, they would die. Suraj said who their enemy was.

Udaan 12th October 2016

Bhaiya Ji came there. He cut a birthday cake in front of them. They all were shocked seeing him. He told them not to be shocked; he got all his charges cleared, and he was free. Chakor said how that could happen. He laughed and stated that he had learned that from her only.

He asked them as for how could they believe that he was dead and laughed calling them fools. Bhaiya ji asked Suraj to remember that father would always be father and could befool them. Suraj asked him if sent the goons to kill him.

He said to him that it was a lesson for him as he went against bhaiya ji. He stated that he would not leave him.  Bhaiya ji left from there saying that one if the girl would have to die. He went to the haveli. Ranjana dressed and welcomed him. Tejaswini was shocked to see him. Bhaiya Ji asked everyone to prepare for the final rites as one out of Imli and Chakor were going to die.

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