RRB NTPC Result 2016 CEN 03/2015: Railway Recruitment Board Not Releasing Results on 10th June www.indianrailways.gov.in

RRB NTPC Result 2016
RRB NTPC Result 2016

RRB NTPC Result 2016 indianrailways.gov.in: Railway Recruitment Board was established in 1998 in the Ministry of Railways, New Delhi. Its work was to appoint new employees to work in Indian railways. It is government organization in India. They are situated in various parts of India. (check: HPBOSE Diploma CET Admit Card 2016.)

There are 21 RRB’s and they are RRB Ahmedabad, RRB Ajmer, RRB Allahabad, RRB Banglore, RRB Bhopal, RRB Bhubaneswar, RRB Bilaspur, RRB Chandigarh, RRB Chennai, RRB Gorakhpur, RRB Guwahati, RRB Jammu and Kashmir, RRB Kolkata, RRB Malda, RRB Mumbai, RRB Muzaffarpur, RRB Patna, RRB Ranchi, RRB Secunderabad, RRB Siliguri, and RRB Thiruvananthapuram.

RRB NTPC Result 2016

Railway Recruitment Board had given notice to the candidates about the NonTechnical Popular Categories (NTPC) graduate posts of various zonal railways/ production unit. They had given notice in the month of January. The date of examination is from 28th March to 30th April.

There were 18272 vacancies for the candidates. About 93 lakh candidates appeared for the examination across the country. All the candidates successfully took the examination on the particular date and timings as notified by Railway Recruitment Board. All the candidates appeared for the exam are eagerly waiting for the result.

The selection will be made on the posts of Commercial Apprentice (CA), Traffic Apprentice (TA), Enquiry- cum- Reservation Clerk (ECRC), Goods Guards, Senior Clerk- Cum-Typist, Juniors Account Assistant-cum- Typist (JAA), Assistant Station Master (ASM), Traffic Assistant and Senior Timekeeper.

RRB NTPC Result 2016

It is given in schedule that Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) will declare the result of Non-Technical Popular Category Exam on 10 July. Candidates can check their score from the official website. And the official web site is www.indian railways.gov.in.

“As 56 lakh candidates took part in the exam, we will take some time to process the result. It is therefore, not releasing on July 10,” said a senior spokesperson from the Railway Board told us.

The candidates have to follow the steps to check the result.

  • The first step is to click on the official website of www.indianrailways.gov.in.
  • Then click on the link ‘NTPC Exam Result 2016’.
  • Then one has to enter the details like registration number, roll number and date of birth. Then click on submit.
  • The result will appear on the screen.
  • Download the result and then take the print out of the result for future reference.
RRB NTPC Result 2016

The examinations were rescheduled to be held in eight centers, in which Allahabad, Pune, Delhi and West Bengal (few centers) are included due to administrative reasons. However, the examination in other centers continued as per the schedule.

Stay tuned for latest news.

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