Best Horror Movies On Netflix To Watch Right Now: Scariest Films Streaming Now/Ranked

Best Horror Movies On Netflix To Watch Right Now
Best Horror Movies On Netflix To Watch Right Now

Best Horror Movies On Netflix: Want to feel haunted? Netflix has a list of the scariest movies that will make you go down in fear. You may go for the streaming option on Netflix for watching these horror films. Not just a part, but the whole movie from beginning to the end has got pieces of haunts to make you scream out loud.

May it be a ghost, vampire, zombie, monster or a dragon? You’re each horror imagination would get fulfilled after watching these movies. Do not search and find out which movie is scarier. All you need is that you may go through the list mentioned below for the scariest movies ever to watch. We ourselves sorted out the list and even watched it out to make you avail the correct ratings. Wait until you get goosebumps in the movie! That sounds scary!

Best Horror Movies On Netflix

2016: The Wailing

A mysterious stranger comes to a small town. Everyone should be better off from it? The film is familiar to such an inciting incident. It is based on a village in South Korea which experiences the spread of a terrifying illness after the arrival of a shady character into the surrounding forest. A police officer starts investigating as people start dying. He gets sucked into a brutal puzzle. In the movie, the unique religious realism turns the story into a memorable nightmare.

2016: Raw

You may find a new favorite female director in Julia Ducournau after watching the film if you have stomach for it. The French-Belgian drama revolves around a young girl, Justine. She overcomes a dark secret, while in her first year of vet school, about her family. A vegetarian, Justine soon starts craving for meat after a ritual goes wrong. From this point, the things get strange and gross and nightmare-inducing.

2015: The Nightmare

You’ll get goosebumps after watching this film. Yes, this is got to be the scariest movie from all mentioned here. The documentary is put on a high verge of the haunt. The onlookers would response with great fear after watching this classic description of such a scary tale. Rodney Ascher (Room 237) directed the movie and his thoughts on the panic-stricken occurrence, viz., Sleep Paralysis enacts as a cunning and crafty episode of ‘Unsolved Mysteries’. The thing that even scares more is that the events described in the tale are the ones that actually took place in the real world in their minds.

2014: The Babadook

Jennifer Kent, the director, introduced a completely new concept in the film. The star cast in the movie is played by Essie Davis (Miss Fisher’s Murder Mystery). What’s stored in the story part? The story comes out as an invigorating psychological horror. All in all, the concept seems to show up the dread and annoyance of parenthood life.

As for a part of star cast in the film, Essie comes up with the role of a mother who unfortunately lost her husband during a car accident while traveling to the delivery room. She portrays the part of being a mother by showering love and affection on her son. The movie completely takes a turn when there is an introduction of the frightening pop-up book named Mister Babadook. All the showered feelings just change into the supernatural form after the strange entry of the book. It is one of the best horror movies on Netflix right now.

2014: It Follows

Prevention of uncomplicated theory can also make an astonishing view. The saying turned out to be true for ‘The Terminator’, ‘Halloween’ and much more. The very concept of ‘It Follows’ emerges out to be a novel based. The tale throws light on a girl who inherits a sexually transmitted monster (STM). The monsters aim at coming behind the person who it makes the sufferer till it violently discharges them.

The monster is visible only to its targeted group. The escape of such a monster seems impossible. But everything is built to be ended one day or another. Likewise, the monster could only be transferred to another sexual partner. Just after watching this movie, your real life concept would start revolving around it for a few days. You’ll not be able to trust people around you. You may see the world around you with terrible eyes.

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Best Horror Movies On Netflix To Watch Right Now
Best Horror Movies On Netflix To Watch Right Now

1980: The Shining

Remember Stanley Kubrick? One of an excellent filmmaker. Yes, even now as he is not alive there is no competition with his movies. The style that he picks up for his film is just remarkable. Kubrick records the film with such an evocative image that one cannot forget once he/ she has watched. Talking about his collection, ‘The Shining’ is one of the scariest movies to watch ever. It will definitely leave an indelible effect on you.

No doubt, Kubrick picks up roles from existing work. But he adapts them with such a grace that leaves no remains about existing works. We may see it in the movie ‘The Shining’ itself. Your mind might be striking at a question- What is the film all about? The movie lands inside some madness. In the movie, Jack Torrance (Jack Nicholson) feels fanatical and enters the world of craziness while traveling to a remote hotel along with his wife and son.

What about the characters in the movie? There’s inbuilt some of the notable characters in the film. Not many as such. The film just seems to revolve around Nicholson astonishing performance. Plus, it is also carried on by Kubrick’s style. The film calls for a view! What are you waiting for? Make up your plans and watch it out.

1981: An American Werewolf In London

A classic description of horror and comedy together with written and directed by John Landis emerges out to be ‘An American Werewolf In London’. The storied tale revolves around David Kessler (Naughton) and Jack Goodman (Dunne) -the two juvenile members who became the victim of a werewolf while their way to England.

Mixing horror with comedy diminishes the very existence of scary effects. Here, Landis cleverly synchronizes the things and at one part, the movie jumps into a wholly terrifying haunt. It’s one of the best horror movies on Netflix right now.

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1987: Hellraiser

The writing just got converted into action! Barker’s launch generates monstrous vibes in his writing. The grounds of the film are generated from a novella named- The Hellbound Heart. Hellraiser chooses to blend disconcerting imagery along with sexual matters. The blended elements are thrown in the film in order to make an entry of Pinhead and an array of callous beings.

2006: The Host

Stephenie Meyer amazes the audience once again by coming with such a mastery piece taken from The New York Times, the chart-topping novel. Viewers perceived the book with much diligence than the movie itself. But later they came up to the fact that they just got shocked at the book and criticized the movie.

The star cast for ‘The Host’ included Jake Abel, Max Irons, Diane Kruger, Frances Fisher and William Hurt. The genre is based on horror, action, sci-fi and political parody. Some hidden enemy frightens the human sapiens by swallowing up human bodies and eating their minds. To put the disaster down, Melanie Stryder takes a step further to make things positive.

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1958: The Fly

Written by Kevin Budzynski, ‘The Fly’ is a combination of drama, science fiction, horror, and fantasy. Deemed justly horrid in its days, The Fly (1958) appears alike Mister Roger’s Neighborhood contrasted to this 1986 remake. The persona involved in ‘The Fly’ is originated in reality and convey stories which boost-up and motivate the onlookers to not worry anything or not feel haunted.

Following the way of ‘Purple Rain’, starring Vincent Prince, the movie uses music video series which turn up the audiences to take a step forward towards the world of the story. The screenplay of the film takes action with the help of Nick Kusto and Willie The Kid.

1994: New Nightmare

Wes Craven’s New Nightmare turned out to be the seventh ‘A Nightmare on Elm Street’ movie, launched in 1994, just 10 years after the original one. Being properly cast and appeared, the scale of rating for the film didn’t boost upwards at the box office. Written by Wes Craven, the film emerges out to be one of a faux shadow.

An example of Skunk Stripe is also seen in the film. Heather Langenkamp gets one, much like her character Nancy. It’s one of the best horror movies on Netflix right now.

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1996: Scream

Wes Craven took the glam light once again after the release of New Nightmare by launching an American slasher film, ‘Scream’ in 1996. Kevin Williamson holds the pen in his hands and noted down the movie script.

The star cast of the film includes David Arquette, Courteney Cox, Skeet Ulrich, Neve Campbell, Rose McGowan, Drew Barrymore and Matthew Lillard. Neatly made to scare the audience. The film emerges out to be one of a creative work illustrated by Wes Craven.

2014: Stary Eyes

Written by Kevin Kolsch & Dennis Widmyer, ‘Starry Eyes’ turn out to be a black comedy, horror film. The film is considered as an indie masterpiece. The tale revolves all around Sarah Walker. The girl wishes to be an actress in Hollywood and is tired of her dead-end job and minor friendships.

She’s been making again and again in numerous casting calls with a hope of getting selected once. A little later, she catches a leading role in a new film from some strange production company. The call needs many things to be done by her. Further, the story continues on revealing the true cost of fame.

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2016: The Invitation

Karyn Kusama’s The Invitation attains the sort of cinematic chemistry one looks in Blood Sample or the best of Hitchcock, where genre holds philosophy and character to yield something both razor-edged in its lucidity and countless troubles in its provocations. The work seems to be a neat trick showing all the aspects of darkness one can feel in life.

2015: The Hallow

Experience sheer terror with The Hallow film. Corin Hardy kneads the tale by introducing a young married couple which shifted their place to live in a rural home in Ireland. The family here is stalked by a group of brutal creatures who target their son. The Hallow horror influences include Alien, The Thing, and The Evil Dead.

2010: TrollHunter

Hunt the legend in TrollHunter! What’s the story? Andre Ovredal introduces a batch of Norwegian film students that set out to record real-life trolls on camera after knowing their presence has been caught for years by a government cabal. The film has been recorded in a verite style. We can see giant trolls during many scenes in the film. It is a mixture of monster and sci-fi genre-based theme.

2012: V/H/S and 2013: V/H/S/2

Horror films which indulge the story of revealing some footage or record can be a demand with high ratings or a sufferer of low ratings. The collection of V/H/S and V/H/S/2 films unveils many short horror masterpieces into each feature. It’s one of the best horror movies on Netflix right now.

The star cast includes Patrick Lawrie, Emmy Argo, Heather Hayes, Jessica Luza, Mary Ralston, Michael Aaron Milligan, Gustavo Salmeron, Marian Alvarez, Xavi Daura and much more. The horror may seem to terrorize you after you watch the movie.

1978: The Fury

The Fury movie honors the men and women who keep us free. Written by David Ayer, the film emerges out as an action drama. In the movie, Wardaddy (army sergeant) orders a Sherman Tank and her five-man crew to go for a mortal mission behind enemy lines.

Beyond numerous counting, the members and weapons joined the journey. Onto their mission, the whole squad faces strange situations and peculiar things. Their goal aimed at becoming a star in the eyes of Nazi Germany.

1984: A Nightmare on Elm Street

Wes Craven kneads the story of ‘A Nightmare on Elm Street’ with his hands filled with horror. The story centers on a killer. Numerous people around are found by one brutal serial killer. How does this killing happen? The killer murders the victim in their dream world. The left away people are just dealing with the thought that how did they got escaped from the eye of the killer.

Their lifespan would be stopped soon when they’ll fall asleep. One of the best example of an American supernatural slasher film. Charles Bernstein immediately turns the music up with suitable noises whenever a scary scene captures the screen. Great work was done by him in adding glitter to the movie.

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2014: Creep

Patrick Brice and Mark Duplass wrote the script of the film with threatening lava throwing from their hands on the scripted story. The tale encounters a videographer who replies to a Craigslist ad for his recruitment in a one-day job which is located in a faraway mountain town.

There what he sees is really horrifying. It came into his knowledge that the client doesn’t appear like he thinks. The sequel to the movie is also ready to be out on October 24, 2017. It’s one of the best horror movies on Netflix right now.

2014: Honeymoon

Leigh Janiak directed the best example of a thriller based movie- Honeymoon. The tale narrates the story of a newly married couple who are on the way to their honeymoon. Screaming things surround their location. The joy turns into sorrow when in the lake-country honeymoon, Paul watches Bea strolling and disoriented at the middle of the night. The star cast includes Rose Leslie from ‘Games of Thrones’ and Harry Treadaway from ‘Penny Dreadful’.

2016: Train To Busan

One of a masterpiece of a zombie movie. Train to Busan is a Korean movie which depicts the picture of life when one confronts a zombie. Emotions are killed and brought to a zero level when it comes to leave your loved one and secure thyself life. The film entertains with some sense of humor before the devastation stage appears. A united team gets formed to fight the battle with the zombies.

From a numerous count of people, just two got survived with many efforts of the fighters. As the united chain got broken and selfishness feature came out from one person, the whole group suffered the loss of their lives.

This is the list of best horror movies on Netflix right now to watch online. Do you have any more? Let’s know in comments.

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